This post is part of the Bridging Fortran & Python series.

Explorations of object oriented Fortran with bind(c) derived types for representations generated by F2PY


Derived types are easily one of the most visible of the modern Fortran (post-F90) features and are central to object oriented programming paradigms in Fortarn.

For those new to the language, a rough guide to some terminology:

FortranClosest C/C++ equivalent
derived typestruct
extends typeinherited class
not standard conformingundefined behaviour

Only the first of these are actually covered in terms of interoperability with C as of the F2018 draft standard.

For F2PY within numpy, however, although there are no direct equivalents in C for the more OOP specific derived types, there are plenty of equivalent structures in Python. This post will bridge Fortran derived types to their logically equivalent Python class definitions.


As in the previous posts, we will be interested in a bind(c) derived type.

1type :: cartesian
2  real(c_double) :: x, y, z
3end type cartesian

Along with a simple function which uses an instance of such a derived type.

1subroutine unit_step(arg) bind(c)
2  type(cartesian), intent(inout) :: arg
3  arg%x = arg%x + 1
4  arg%y = arg%y + 1
5  arg%z = arg%z + 1
6end subroutine unit_step

To make the discussion and conversion into Python more concrete, we will start with an overview of possible representations.


The elements of the Python programming language which can be best used to emulate a derived type are (in order of relative complexity):

In theory, a record type can be represented and constructed from a list, with the members of the type specified in order of appearance or lexicographically. However, this is a lossy, incomplete representation as it would remove the ability to refer to and operate on the member variables by name.
These have the benefit of being relatively simple to implement, and retain member addressable semantics.
Named Tuples
As immutable data structures with labels, these make good return types, however, they are poor representations for objects which may be modified in place (e.g. in a Fortran subroutine).
These make sense from a logical perspective, however, they are hard to programmatically generate and use in C-extensions, limiting their utility for inter-operability with Fortran.
The most general and arguably the most flexible construct is to generate code for a PyTypeObject, which can be fleshed out to contain both attributes, as well as memory allocation rules.

Of the representations described, the first approximation covered in [a previous post](/posts/cython-derivedtype-f2py/) was the dictionary. A major concern 1 is that of lineage and extensibility; python users would expect that a dictionary can be extended with keys, which would not make much sense if the dictionary is meant to represent a derived type. Additionally, it is difficult to programmatically ascertain which dictionaries are meant to be interoperable with Fortran functions or subroutines. Note that the dictionary representation code is also present here with usage examples.

The rest of this post will enumerate the construction and usage of a bind(c) derived type represented as a Python class.

Pythonic Equivalent

For a more pedagogical understanding, the derived type will be emulated (from within a Python-C exention) by the following class definition:

 1class fakecart:
 2  def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
 3    obj = object.__new__(cls)
 4    obj.x = 0
 5    obj.y = 0
 6    obj.z = 0
 7    return obj
 9  def __init__(self, x, y, z):
10    self.x = x
11    self.y = y
12    self.z = z
14  def __repr__(self):
15    return f"fakecart(x: {self.x}, y: {self.y}, z: {self.z})"
17  def unitstep(self):
18    self.x = self.x + 1
19    self.y = self.y + 1
20    self.z = self.z +1

Note that apart from the members which mimic the those in the derived type, for illustration’s sake we will implement the unit_step free function as a member function.

C-Python-Fortran Implementation

For bind(c) types, we will focus on implementing the member data in terms of C structs, and rely on bind(c) to ensure that symbols are mangled in a compatible manner, i.e. we will not need to hardcode any compiler specific name mangling conventions for the functions we call from Fortran. The complete Fortran code of interest is:

 1! vec.f90
 2  module vec
 3    use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
 4    implicit none
 6    type :: cartesian
 7       real(c_double) :: x, y, z
 8    end type cartesian
10    contains
11      subroutine unit_step(arg) bind(c)
12        type(cartesian), intent(inout) :: arg
13         arg%x = arg%x + 1
14         arg%y = arg%y + 1
15         arg%z = arg%z + 1
16      end subroutine unit_step
17end module vec

For a source to source translation from the Python code, we will start with a header file containing the basic C-Fortran structures and function declarations:

 1// vecf.h
 2#ifndef VECF_H_
 3#define VECF_H_
 8// bind(c) compatible struct declaration
 9typedef struct {
10    double x, y, z;
11} cartesian;
13// In Fortran
14void unit_step(cartesian *arg);
16#endif // VECF_H_

Now for the class declaration itself.

Instance Variables and Initialization

Rather than declaring double variables in the Python class, we will opt to use the struct defined earlier.

1// CPython compatible declaration
2typedef struct {
3  PyObject_HEAD        /* Do not move */
4  cartesian ccart; /* totally interoperable */
5} pycart;

This means we can initialize an object of this class by writing the equivalent of the __init__() as:

1static int pycart_init(pycart *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) {
2  static char *kwlist[] = {"x", "y", "x", NULL};
3  if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "|ddd", kwlist, &self->ccart.x,
4                                   &self->ccart.y, &self->ccart.z))
5    return -1;
6  return 0;

Finally we have to declare the instance variables to be exposed from the class.

1static PyMemberDef pycart_members[] = {
2    {"x", T_DOUBLE, offsetof(pycart, ccart.x), 0, "x coordinate"},
3    {"y", T_DOUBLE, offsetof(pycart, ccart.y), 0, "y coordinate"},
4    {"z", T_DOUBLE, offsetof(pycart, ccart.z), 0, "z coordinate"},
5    {NULL} /* Sentinel */

Note that in each of the snippets above, we leverage the cartesian structure.

Class Methods

The heavy lifting of the function itself is in Fortran, while the C struct can be used inter-operably with a derived type, leaving us with an extremely light definition:

1static PyObject *pycart_unitstep(pycart *self) {
2  // Call Fortran on the internal representation
3  unit_step(&self->ccart);

We will also define a __repr()__ function for ease of interactive use:

1static PyObject *pycart_repr(pycart *self) {
2  char x[50], y[50], z[50];
3  sprintf(x, "%f", self->ccart.x);
4  sprintf(y, "%f", self->ccart.y);
5  sprintf(z, "%f", self->ccart.z);
6  PyObject *repr = PyUnicode_FromFormat("pycart(x: %s, y: %s, z: %s)", x, y, z);
7  return repr;

Finally we can register the methods.

1static PyMethodDef pycart_methods[] = {
2    {"unitstep", (PyCFunction)pycart_unitstep, METH_NOARGS,
3     "Modify the class members with the Fortran unit_step function"},
4    {NULL} /* Sentinel */

Before rounding out our definition:

 1// Definition of type
 2static PyTypeObject t_pycart = {
 3    PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0) /* tp_head */
 4        .tp_name = "pycart.pycart",
 5    .tp_doc = PyDoc_STR("One coordinate (x, y, z)"),
 6    .tp_basicsize = sizeof(pycart),
 7    .tp_itemsize = 0,
 8    .tp_dealloc = pycart_dealloc,
 9    .tp_repr = pycart_repr,
10    .tp_getattro = PyObject_GenericGetAttr,
11    .tp_setattro = PyObject_GenericSetAttr,
13    .tp_members = pycart_members,
14    .tp_methods = pycart_methods,
15    .tp_init = pycart_init,
16    .tp_alloc = PyType_GenericAlloc,
17    .tp_new = PyType_GenericNew,
18    .tp_free = PyObject_Del,

Where we have additionally defined and bound machinery to declare __new__().

 1static void pycart_dealloc(pycart *self) {
 2  // Also free the pointer here
 3  Py_TYPE(self)->tp_free((PyObject *)self);
 6static PyObject *pycart_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args,
 7                            PyObject *kwds) {
 8  // Allocate and create the cartesian object here
 9  pycart *self;
10  self = (pycart *)type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
11  if (self != NULL) {
12    self->ccart.x = 0;
13    self->ccart.y = 0;
14    self->ccart.z = 0;
15  }
16  return (PyObject *)self;

Boilerplate and Builds

We round off the extension by adding some doc-strings and also setting up the module itself. The code for the module itself is then:

  1#ifndef PY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN
  2#define PY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN
  3#include <stdio.h>
  4#endif /* PY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN */
  6#include "Python.h"
  7#include "structmember.h"
  9// Fortran-C stuff
 10#include "vecf.h"
 12// Python-C stuff
 14// CPython compatible declaration
 15typedef struct {
 16  PyObject_HEAD        /* Do not move */
 17  cartesian ccart; /* totally interoperable */
 18} pycart;
 20// Almost everything in the class must be static
 21static void pycart_dealloc(pycart *self) {
 22  Py_TYPE(self)->tp_free((PyObject *)self);
 25static PyObject *pycart_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args,
 26                            PyObject *kwds) {
 27  pycart *self;
 28  self = (pycart *)type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
 29  if (self != NULL) {
 30    self->ccart.x = 0;
 31    self->ccart.y = 0;
 32    self->ccart.z = 0;
 33  }
 34  return (PyObject *)self;
 37static int pycart_init(pycart *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) {
 38  static char *kwlist[] = {"x", "y", "x", NULL};
 39  if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "|ddd", kwlist, &self->ccart.x,
 40                                   &self->ccart.y, &self->ccart.z))
 41    return -1;
 42  return 0;
 45static PyMemberDef pycart_members[] = {
 46    {"x", T_DOUBLE, offsetof(pycart, ccart.x), 0, "x coordinate"},
 47    {"y", T_DOUBLE, offsetof(pycart, ccart.y), 0, "y coordinate"},
 48    {"z", T_DOUBLE, offsetof(pycart, ccart.z), 0, "z coordinate"},
 49    {NULL} /* Sentinel */
 52static PyObject *pycart_repr(pycart *self) {
 53  char x[50], y[50], z[50];
 54  sprintf(x, "%f", self->ccart.x);
 55  sprintf(y, "%f", self->ccart.y);
 56  sprintf(z, "%f", self->ccart.z);
 57  PyObject *repr = PyUnicode_FromFormat("pycart(x: %s, y: %s, z: %s)", x, y, z);
 58  return repr;
 61static PyObject *pycart_unitstep(pycart *self) {
 62  // Call Fortran on the internal representation
 63  unit_step(&self->ccart);
 67static PyMethodDef pycart_methods[] = {
 68    {"unitstep", (PyCFunction)pycart_unitstep, METH_NOARGS,
 69     "Modify the class members with the Fortran unit_step function"},
 70    {NULL} /* Sentinel */
 73// Definition of type
 74static PyTypeObject t_pycart = {
 75    PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0) /* tp_head */
 76        .tp_name = "pycart.pycart",
 77    .tp_doc = PyDoc_STR("One coordinate (x, y, z)"),
 78    .tp_basicsize = sizeof(pycart),
 79    .tp_itemsize = 0,
 80    .tp_dealloc = pycart_dealloc,
 81    .tp_repr = pycart_repr,
 82    .tp_getattro = PyObject_GenericGetAttr,
 83    .tp_setattro = PyObject_GenericSetAttr,
 85    .tp_members = pycart_members,
 86    .tp_methods = pycart_methods,
 87    .tp_init = pycart_init,          /* tp_init */
 88    .tp_alloc = PyType_GenericAlloc, /* tp_alloc */
 89    .tp_new = PyType_GenericNew,     /* tp_new */
 90    .tp_free = PyObject_Del,         /* tp_free */
 91    // Add an attribute to show this is from Fortran
 94static char pycart_docs[] = "pycart: data type with x,y,z elements\n";
 96static PyModuleDef pycartmodule = {PyModuleDef_HEAD_INIT, .m_name = "pycart",
 97                                   .m_doc = pycart_docs, .m_size = -1};
 99PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInit_pycart(void) {
100  PyObject *this_module;
101  if (PyType_Ready(&t_pycart))
102    return NULL;
103  this_module = PyModule_Create(&pycartmodule);
104  if (this_module == NULL) {
105    return NULL;
106  }
107  Py_INCREF(&t_pycart);
108  if (PyModule_AddObject(this_module, "pycart", (PyObject *)&t_pycart) < 0) {
109    Py_DECREF(&t_pycart);
110    Py_DECREF(this_module);
111    return NULL;
112  }
113  return this_module;

Which is coupled with a file:

 1project('pyclass_bindc', 'c', 'fortran',
 2        version : '0.1',
 3        default_options : ['warning_level=2',
 4                           'buildtype=debug',
 5                           'debug=true',
 6                          ])
 8py_mod = import('python')
 9py3 = py_mod.find_installation('python3')
10py3_dep = py3.dependency()
14# Python Class Representation
16           'vec.f90',
17           'pyclassderived.c',
18           dependencies : py3_dep,
19           install : true)


This can built and used as:

1meson setup bbdir
2meson compile -C bbdir
3python -c "import bbdir.pycart as pycart; aak = pycart.pycart(1,10,2); print(aak); aak.unitstep(); print(aak)"
4pycart(x: 1.000000, y: 10.000000, z: 2.000000)
5pycart(x: 2.000000, y: 11.000000, z: 3.000000)


One of the best aspects of this approach is that the language pairs and representations line up nicely to prevent any extraneous copy operations. Representing the module subroutine as a class member function is a design choice unlikely to be made when generating bindings from f2py, but this was more for exploratory purposes.

To end on a rather provocative note 2, consider the timings for the wrapped derived type pycart and its equivalent pure-Python fakecart in Fig. 1 below:

Figure 1: Results of comparing the pure-python class (fakecart) to the C-extension class backed by a Fortran derived type (pycart)

Figure 1: Results of comparing the pure-python class (fakecart) to the C-extension class backed by a Fortran derived type (pycart)

All the code for this post, along with other Fortran derived type representations is present in this repository under the examples folder.

Addendum and Future Directions

I had the pleasure of demonstrating part of this logic to fellow NumPy maintainers Dr. Pearu Peterson and Dr. Melissa Weber Mendonça and we were in agreement that the class strategy is the most flexible 3. Pearu suggested leveraging pointers passed between Fortran and C in an attempt to cover more than bind(c) compatible code, by generating simpler Fortran wrapper functions as well, and those will likely be among the next steps forward. The work of Pletzer et al. (2008) is also of interest, although their focus was on exposing a series of C functions which call Fortran methods.


Pletzer, Alexander, Douglas McCune, Stefan Muszala, Srinath Vadlamani, and Scott Kruger. 2008. “Exposing Fortran Derived Types to C and Other Languages.” Computing in Science Engineering 10 (4): 86–92.

  1. Noted by Adam Kelly ↩︎

  2. Benchmarks are notoriously divisive and finicky, and no attempt was made to ensure statistical stability of the results nor were the plotted points obtained on machines dedicated and isolated from spurious loads ↩︎

  3. I also discussed this at a few NumPy meetings and also informally mentioned this during some LFortran meetings as well ↩︎

Series info

Bridging Fortran & Python series

  1. NumPy, Meson and f2py
  2. Simple Fortran Derived Types and Python
  3. Exploring ISO_C_BINDING and type-bound procedures
  4. Fortran OOP and Python <-- You are here!
  5. Types from Fortran to Python via Opaque Pointers