
A few weeks ago, I ended up recording a video for the Stanford CS106A: Code in Place initiative (which can be found here). I heard back a while ago, and am now to lead a section for the course!

I’ll probably be making a series of short posts as this process continues.


This was very reminiscent of the Carpentries instructor training, which makes sense, given how well thought out that experience was.

We started out with a pre-presentation where people were able to just spitball and connect, which is pretty neat.

One of the interesting parts of this, was the idea of interactive recorded lectures, where the professors will be watching lectures with the students. The entire slide deck is here.

The other great idea for this kind of long course was the idea of having a Tea room and a Teachers lounge where people can just tune in to chat.


A couple of things which keep cropping up for online teaching in general are the following:

  • Zoom does not have persistent chats, so an auxiliary tool like an Etherpad is great