One of the things I missed when I migrated from cmake to meson was the ease at which cmake discovers tests.

1# Tests
2option(PACKAGE_TESTS "Build the tests" OFF)
4  find_package(GTest REQUIRED)
5  enable_testing()
6  include(GoogleTest)
7  add_subdirectory(gtests)

Thankfully, meson can kind of emulate this behavior, even in its restricted syntax. The key concept is arrays and their iterators.

 1test_array = [#
 2  # ['Pretty name', 'binary_name', 'BlahTest.cpp']
 3  ['String parser helpers', 'strparse_run', 'StringHelpersTest.cpp'],
 4  ['Improved Dimer', 'impldim_run', 'ImpDimerTest.cpp'],
 6foreach test : test_array
 7  test(test.get(0),
 8       executable(test.get(1),
 9          sources : ['gtests/'+test.get(2)],
10          dependencies : [ prog_deps, gtest_dep, gmock_dep ],
11          link_with : proglib,
12          cpp_args : prog_extra_args
13                 ),
14      )

Now this is pretty neat already, but we can go a step further and augment this with a working directory concept.

 1test_array = [#
 2  # ['Pretty name', 'binary_name', 'BlahTest.cpp', 'working_dir']
 3  ['Improved Dimer', 'impldim_run', 'ImpDimerTest.cpp', '/gtests/data/'],
 4  ['Matter converter', 'matter_run', 'MatterTest.cpp', '/gtests/data/systems/sulfolene'],
 5  ['String parser helpers', 'strparse_run', 'StringHelpersTest.cpp', ''],
 7foreach test : test_array
 8  test(test.get(0),
 9       executable(test.get(1),
10          sources : ['gtests/'+test.get(2)],
11          dependencies : [ prog_deps, gtest_dep, gmock_dep ],
12          link_with : proglib,
13          cpp_args : prog_extra_args
14                 ),
15        workdir : meson.source_root() + test.get(3)
16      )

This is rather satisfying. Combined with some wraps, it is also pretty portable.

Addenum: Tests with arguments

Recently, some openblas work made me rethink how meson handles tests and arguments. It turns out something relatively simple in make:

1xblat2s: sblat2.o $(BLASLIB)
2      $(FC) $(FFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^
3run: all
4      ./xblat2s <

Is rather complicated to emulate directly within meson. A wrapper is required, first in C:

 1#include <stdio.h>
 2#include <stdlib.h>
 3#include <string.h>
 5int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
 6    if (argc != 3) {
 7        fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s <executable> <input_file>\n", argv[0]);
 8        return EXIT_FAILURE;
 9    }
11    char command[1024];
12    snprintf(command, sizeof(command), "%s < %s", argv[1], argv[2]);
14    int result = system(command);
15    if (result != 0) {
16        fprintf(stderr, "Error: Command '%s' failed with return code %d.\n", command, result);
17        return EXIT_FAILURE;
18    }
20    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Which can then be used within meson:

 1_blas_input_test_array = [#
 2  # ['Pretty name', 'binary_name', 'BlahTest.cpp', '']
 3  ['Test REAL Level 2 BLAS', 'xblat2s', 'sblat2.f', ''],
 5test_runner = executable('run_test',
 6                         sources: ['run_test.c'],
 7                         install: false)
 8# NOTE: For the tests to pass the executables need to be compiled first
 9foreach _test : _blas_input_test_array
10  executable(_test.get(1),
11             sources : _test.get(2),
12             link_with : netlib_blas,
13            )
14  test_exe = meson.current_build_dir() / _test.get(1)
15  input_file = meson.source_root() + '/lapack-netlib/BLAS/TESTING/' + _test.get(3)
16  test(_test.get(0), fortran_test_runner,
17       args: [test_exe, input_file],
18       workdir: meson.current_build_dir())

However, the main pain point with this is that the executables are not exactly test dependencies so this fails if the entire project hasn’t been compiled before running the tests. Still a pretty minor caveat.